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Agricultural Advising Services

Agricultural Advising Services

Agricultural Advising Services

GROWPLAN is the lead in the sector of counseling of agricultural businesses and offers a full package of advice related to agriculture, helping thus the effective operation and performance of the business in the following thematic fields.
  • Good agricultural and environmental condition and agricultural practices that are beneficial for the climate and the environment (multiple conformity and agricultural practices that are beneficial for the climate and the environment-greening)
  • Orthological use of water in agricultural holdings, protection and proper management of waters, including orthological use of fertilizers, orthological management of dung aiming to reduce the pollution of waters.
  • Conformity with the general principles of the complete plant protection that concern the orthological use of agricultural pesticides and the general principles of complete plant protection.
  • Actions that alleviate the phenomenon of climate change and promote the adaptation of agriculture to it, to the use of byproducts, waste, residuals and other raw materials, besides food, for the purposes of bioeconomy, to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and ammonia from agricultural activities.
  • Correct implementation of the measures of the Program of Rural Development 2014-2020 and have to do with the understanding and right application of the obligations arising from the Reg. (EU) 854/2007, regarding the biological production of agricultural products, the action of the measure “Reinforcements on agriculture, environment and climate”, as well as minimum requirements that are established by national legislation and are applied in these actions.
  • Modernization of exploitations, improvement of viability, development of competitiveness, increase of added value of agricultural products, sectoral completion, innovation, market orientation, promotion of entrepreneurship and encouragement of conversion of agricultural holdings and differentiation of their financial activity.
  • Risk management and establishment of proper preventive measures for the handling of natural and other disasters, as well as diseases of animals and plants.
  • Implementation of work safety standards based on the European Union and national legislation.
  • Design of the implementation of the Integrated Administration Systems or other production systems.
  • To new and newcomer farmers, which include, among others:
    • Administration and management of holdings.
    • Cooperation and access to the market.
    • Statutory requirements and obligations.
    • Cultivation/livestock farming techniques and new technologies
If you are interested in this specific service, please fill out the expression of interest form of our company.